Funny thing, this mailing-list, I usually find an answer or hint 5 
minutes after sending out for information.

Now this clue: ..."is a good idea put Pools, Clients and Storage 
Resources declarations in different files."

Yet, at shows a clear 
example of more than Pools/Clients/Storage. Specific example is 
schedule.conf (@/etc/bacula/conf.d/schedule.conf)

Yet again, at shows 
WAY more than Pools/Clients/Storage conf files:

# Include below all yours jobs configuration files (remember add '@' at 

# Clients definition files

# Storages definition file

# Pools definition files

So my Question now becomes what exactly can be included  "In the Debian 
manner" ?

JJ aka Habitual

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security
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