On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 10:53 AM, Josh Fisher <jfis...@pvct.com> wrote:
> On 9/29/2011 10:35 AM, John Drescher wrote:
>> 2011/9/29 Ignacio Cardona<ignaciocard...@gmail.com>:
>>> Dear all,
>>>              I need some help about a little issue. At the momento I am
>>> backing up to several devices but the problem is that i am running
>>>   out of space in my hard disk. Is possible to burn up some backups into
>>> dvd´s in order to erase the backups in the hard drive?.
>> Yes but you need 4GB disk volumes.
> Also, consider that a 250 GB USB external drive can be had for little
> more than the price of a stack of DVD-R media.
And a lot less work. I was thinking of that after my first post..


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