> Do you have "Maximum Concurrent Jobs" set in the Director and storage
> sections in bacula-dir.conf?

I just added it to the storage section; it seems to have been removed 
>> Can someone please explain to me why bacula still is not able to run
>> concurrent Jobs? Do I have to create a storage for each client (for
>> instance)? And what's the reason for having to do so?
> Only 1 volume and thus pool can be loaded in a storage device at a
> time so if you have several pools that you want to run backups on you
> need more than 1 storage device. For disk based backups, I highly
> recommend using the bacula virtual autochanger.
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/vchanger/
> This will greatly simplify the setup of multiple pools, devices and
> concurrency. Just send all jobs to the virtual autochanger resource
> and let bacula handle the devices.
Is there any configuration required for doing so? the autochanger seems 
(to me) to be fairly complex.

> Software compression is a very heavy CPU usage process on the FD and
> will certainly slow down your backups.

When having a look at the FD hosts, bacula-fd doesn't really pop up when 
running 'top', nor does the system's load increase a lot (these machines 
are also quite over dimensioned for their purpose). But that's of later 
concern, I'd be very very happy if I would be able to get concurrent 
jobs to work first.


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