Op 20110926 om 20:49 schreef scar:
> Martin Simmons @ 09/26/2011 11:10 AM:
> > Any particular types of file?
> > 
> > Check the ctimes (ls -lc).
> most of the files are homemade audio recordings... mp3, wav, and flac.
> the ctimes don't show any modification either.

I'm not sure if fat32 really has ctime,
it could be faked for compatabilty reasons.

In the original post is said that the fat32 disk is an external device
and not allways mounted. Here a quick check:
 * Note the timestamp of the directory that will be the mount point
 * Mount the fat32 disk
 * Note the timestamp of the directory that is the mount point
 * Unmount the disk, take it somewhere else and write there
 * that the disk back and mount it
 * Check the timestamp of the mount point directory
 * Compare it with the previous notes

My guess is that timestamps are artificul changed at mount time.

Hope this helps

Geert Stappers
All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
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