> I've experienced some strange problems with the "Recycling" on my Bacula.
> For example, I have a pool to my Full Backups where I have one different
> tape for each weekend in the month. Well, on the second week I've used
> FW2-001 with Volume Retention of 27 days = 2332800 seconds and at this
> weekend (4th week) I've put the FW4-001 and Bacula Recycled FW2-001 even
> with your VolRetention not expired. My file and job retention are greater
> than volume retention as on the Pool as the Client Resource.
> +---------+------------+-----------+---------+--------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+
> | MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes     | VolFiles |
> VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten
> |
> +---------+------------+-----------+---------+--------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+
>         6       | FW2-001    | Used      | 1            | 1
> | 0        | 2332800          | 1           | 0    | 0               |
> LTO-4     | 2011-09-12 09:10:13

The status on this volume is Used. Have you changed it? I mean if
bacula recycled the volume it would not be status Used.

> In the Official Documentation it says the following:
> "Prune volumes applying Volume retention period (Volumes with VolStatus
> Full, Used, or Append are pruned). Note, even if all the File and Job
> records are pruned from a Volume, the Volume will not be marked Purged until
> the Volume retention period expires. "
> So...Bacula couldn't do such thing with my volume FW2-001 so that it wasn't
> expired.
> For assurance, I've updated "All Volumes from All Pools" today after
> checking the conf files. But I've done this before and I'm still with
> problems. I've set up a scheme where I just have to change tapes without
> none intervention via console, but with such problems, I'm having to do
> Bacula chose the right tapes manually.
> Everything was working perfectly until my tape FW5-001 to expire and Bacula
> to try use it instead the FW2-001, because FW5-001 is for the 5th week on
> the month and not all months have the 5th week, so I should have disabled it
> after the job, but I didn't notice in time. Being this volume older than
> FW2-001 and Expired obviously, Bacula chose it. So I've tried a Bscan on the
> FW5-001 to recreate the Catalog (more because I wanted to test the Bscan)
> and after that the things started to goes wrong.
> Some ideas for this problem? I know this is a "little bit" confused :)

Your example is very confusing to me.

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