On Fri, September 23, 2011 4:02 pm, Martin Simmons wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, 23 Sep 2011 10:34:51 -0400, Kim Culhan said:

>> Compiling bacula here does not produce libbac.so
> Ah, that's one reason why you don't get the same warnings as the OP!  I
> now that you are passing --disable-libtool, which will change things a
> OTOH, I would still expect the warning when linking bacula-dir.  What is
> output of the elfdump on that?  i.e.
> elfdump -s bacula-dir | grep plugin

Output is attached

As noted in a previous  message, with a correct libtool it now produces
those warnings but
not when compiling with --disable-libtool.


Attachment: elfdump_bacula-dir.out
Description: Binary data

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