
On Wed, 21 Sep 2011, Dan Langille wrote:

> > Do other people do this?
> I do Copy to tape.  Be aware: your tape drive must be on the same SD as
> your disk storage.  Copy and migrate jobs can involve only one SD.  You
> cannot copy/migrate from one SD to another.

Gah.  I had forgotten that, thanks.  That limitation is okay for about 80%
of our backups, but there is a second SD currently holding about 20% (and
ideally we planned it to take a greater share).

Is there any sign of development on shifting data between SDs?  I know we
had a conversation on this list about it about 18 months ago and there was
some interest and even some sponsorship.


In the meantime, has anyone got any sensible workaround?  I guess we could
run all backups to one SD but have it NFS mount some of its disk-based
volumes, but this would double the network traffic during a backup so I'm
not so keen on that.

Maybe we could leave backups as normal but just use an NFS mount and a
dedicated device during the COPY job so that the SD with the tape drive
also had the disks on a local device?

Thanks for any suggestions....


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