> Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Please mount Volume
> To: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Message-ID: <4e71b856.4090...@phoenixsoftware.de>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Am 14.09.2011 10:37, schrieb lalecherej:
>> Hello,
>> Yes, there are others volumes "append" in the IncrementalServer pool.
>> I found a solution : change volume status to "disable" to volume aren't in 
>> powervault. But, I wanted know if there is another solution ?
> Looks like you have the same problem as me:
> Bacula refuses to use a volume that's physically present but must
> first be recycled if there's another suitable volume that already
> has status "append" but is not physically accessible.
> It's awkward, but from past discussions on this list it appears
> that this behaviour is by design.
> So the answer is no, there is no other solution but fiddling with
> the volume status.
> T.
> -- Tilman Schmidt Phoenix Software GmbH Bonn, Germany
Make sure your storage device is properly designated as an autochanger in 
the bacula-dir.conf

Note that I said bacula-dir.conf and not bacula-sd.conf

Here's the section I'm talking about from my bacula-dir.conf

Storage {
    Name = Dell-PV136T
    Autochanger = yes
    Address = hostname
    SDPort = 9103
    Device = Dell-PV136T
    Media Type = LTO-2
    Password = "removed"
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 16

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