2011/9/1 Alexandre Chapellon <a.chapel...@horoa.net>
> Hello,
> I am using bacula 5.0.2 as delivered by Debian packaging system.
> This morning I have jobs hanged due to no appendable volume in the pool.
> the job and file retention for the jobs are both of 1 month. The Volume
> retention for all volumes in the pool is 23 days.
> All volumes in the pool are marked as Used. However, there id one volume
> that was last written more than 2 month ago (2011-06-19 15:30:31).
> I have tried to query the catalog on found out that no job record were
> associated with that volume anymore (bconsole / query / 14 / volname)
> I have tried pruning the volume by hand using the `prune` command, it shows
> the correct volume volume retention but prune nothing.
> Here is the volume and pool description as shown by `list volume` and `show
> pool`:
> *| 8 | hosting_incremental_0002 | Used | 1 |
> 426,895,388 | 0 | 1,987,200 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
> File | 2011-06-19 15:30:31 |
> Pool: name=hosting_Incremental PoolType=Backup
> use_cat=1 use_once=0 cat_files=1
> max_vols=5 auto_prune=1 VolRetention=23 days
> VolUse=7 days recycle=1 LabelFormat=${Pool:l}_${NumVols:p/4/0/r}
> CleaningPrefix=*None* LabelType=0
> RecyleOldest=1 PurgeOldest=0 ActionOnPurge=0
> MaxVolJobs=0 MaxVolFiles=0 MaxVolBytes=0
> MigTime=0 secs MigHiBytes=0 MigLoBytes=0
> JobRetention=680 years 11 months 21 days 8 hours 21 mins 20 se
> FileRetention=5 years 1 month 11 days 17 hours 26 mins 8 secs*
> Note the huge JobRetention in the pool. The job retention is the same in
> the job description shown in `show job`. I have double checked my config
> files and found the following:
> Client {
> Name = jimbojones-fd
> Address = fqdn-addr
> Catalog = MyCatalog
> Password ="secret"
> FileRetention = 30 days
> JobRetention = 30 days
> }
> Does anybody knows why I can't recycle that volume and why I have this
> strange Jobretention value?
I am not sure why you had these ridiculous file and job retentions however
neither of them will stop a volume from being recycled. These two are more
about how long to keep the records in the database.
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