> I am doing some tests about spooling. I have created a spool filesystem for 
> testing purposes. I decided to try a quiet small one - just 10 GB. Well, I 
> get an ugly perfomance (<10MB/s) with this one. So I assume that the spool 
> file system is too small - is this assumption right?

Remember that a job will not despool when it spools so that this will
not be as efficient as possible unless you run more than 1 job at a
time or have a spool size larger than your largest job. Since I use
concurrency I use a 5 or 10GB spool file like I have been doing for
over 5 years out of the 8+ years I have used bacula. On my LTO2
archive I regularly see despool rates of 20 to 60 MB/s to a single
LTO2 tape drive all the time however backup rates are highly dependent
of what type of backup and the percentage of small files. Incrementals
will show low rates because a large percentage of the time of the
backup is spent searching for the few files to backup instead of
actually doing the backup. A full will generally have a way higher
backup rate because all files are selected instead of spending time
searching. However with this said Incrementals are generally much
faster than fulls even though they show a much lower rate.

On top of this source filesystem performance and database performance
are very important. Also make sure you are not using software
compression if you have a tape drive. Software compression even on the
fastest i7 with an SSD will most likely be less than 10MB/s while tape
drive HW compression can easily achieve 10 times that rate.


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