Op 20110809 om 17:31 schreef Yazan:
> Hey guys, 
> We have been using Bacula for some time now and I wanted to
> automate a few things and allow the clients to take control of their
> backups. We want to give our clients the option of buying backup
> space and creating/editing backup schedules of their data and their
> databases. We're hoping to automate this as well as allow the clients
> to have access to their backup files with the option of restoring a file
> (or multiple) all via our PHP based portal.
> Please let me know if anybody has worked with this in the past and if
> they are willing to help. We can work out compensation as well if you
> have a solution.

Simular requests have been posted to the bacula-users mailinglist before.

> I would really appreciate your help and feedback on this matter.

Usually there isn't any follow up _here_.

I guess such requests get more response on the bacula-developers M.L.
Check it yourself, I'm not subscribed to -devel.

> Thank you!
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------
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> +----------------------------------------------------------------------

My advice:
  Subscribe to the developers mailinglist and be part of the community.
  (Surely don't hide behind a webforum)

Geert Stappers
saying "Choose your forum carefully"
as documented at http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
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