Good morning, I'm running Bacula 5 on a Debian server and mostly, it's bloody 
brilliant. However, there are four servers in two locations outside of our data 
centre that I'm having massive problems backing up.

One location needs to backup 10 files with a total size of about 500mb, but 
usually it errors out at about 80mb, often after only 5.

The other location has three of the servers, server2 has two different backup 
sets, one for the config files and web data and another for the images that 
runs every other day

 92353  Full      1,513    1.418 G  OK       02-Aug-11 19:30 server1
 92555  Incr         37    1.129 G  OK       03-Aug-11 12:07 server1

 92617  Full     95,122    416.1 M  OK       03-Aug-11 10:56 server2-set1
 92807  Incr        608    3.865 M  OK       04-Aug-11 06:42 server2-set1

 92619  Full      1,384    169.6 M  OK       03-Aug-11 08:31 server3
 92658  Incr          6    168.6 M  OK       03-Aug-11 11:29 server3

 92472  Full    101,399    4.064 G  Error    04-Aug-11 11:34 server2-set2

Server1 backs up fine, as does server2-set1, although really slowly, you're 
getting 1, maybe 2mb per minute. Server3 backs up about half the time and 
server2 set2 has never managed a full backup, it took 2 days to get that 4Gb 
transferred, it usually craps out sooner than that.

All of these servers are the same spec, they're not great but not terrible 
either and we have plenty of the same spec in the data centre that back up 
fine. The first server is windows, the others are Ubuntu.

Now I know for a fact that the internal networks in these locations are 
atrocious and they're not getting fixed any time soon, also both of them are 
less than half a mile from the data centre and incidentally we back up several 
Gb a day from the other side of the planet without issue.

Anyways, is there anything I can do to mitigate the effects of these really 
crappy networks? I've got heartbeat set to 60 but it doesn't seem to have 
helped much

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