On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 05:37:46PM +0100, Alan Brown wrote:
> I've been handed a tar backup comprising 66 (yes really) LTO4 tapes.
> For obvious reasons I'd prefer not to have to load the tape drive 
> manually for each tape. Does anyone have pointers (or even better a 
> script) on automating this kind of restore?

Sorry, I have no script and never have been in a situation like yours.
But tar is 'tape archiver' and it knows
 -M for multi volume archive
 -F run script at end of each tape (implies -M)

I'd use -F to call a script that
- unmounts the current tape
- mounts the next one
  - either by 'mtx next' + some end of slots logic
  - mtx load SLOT
- if it has been the last tape in the changer prompts for a new set of
- else exits for tar to continue

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