Op 15/07/2011 12:02, Bill Damage schreef:
Hi Jeremy,

Since this sounds exactly like the root of the problem any chance of you spelling out to this humble newbie how I'd check and fix that please?

Do an "ls -al" of the /dev folder and look for the (n)stX entries (X being a number). Example (partial) output on RHEL6:
/crw-rw----   1 root tape      9, 128 jul  7 15:01 nst0/

As you can see this device is owned by user root and group tape. Because bacula-sd runs as user bacula, and the bacula user is by default member of only the "disk" group, it has no rights to use the tapedrive.

To fix this you'd use "vigr" (or vi /etc/groups) and make sure that the bacula user is a member of the group the tape devices belong to. An example of how this was achieved on RHEL6: "tape:x:33:bacula". So just add the bacula user at the end of the line for the correct group, using a comma to separate different users if needed.


You should really check which group owns the tape devices /dev/st0 and /dev/nst0 (or (n)st1 or higher if there's more than one drive). I'll bet it is now owned by the group "tape" instead of the usual group "disk" it was in the past.

If that's the case you can just run the SD as user bacula and group tape :-)


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