>>>>> On Fri, 15 Jul 2011 13:30:58 -0300, Rickifer Barros said:
> Hello Users...
> Just to confirm one little thing...I've read that Bacula will try keep your
> data as maximum as possible before overwrite them. So, even when my Volume
> Retention Time is expired after the last job, the volume don't become Used
> or Purge, but it still Append. Thereby, for example, in a backup scheme
> where I use one Tape to do 4 differential backups Mon-Thu with a retention
> time of 7 days, I need to set the Maximum Volume Jobs to "4" and the Volume
> Retention to "7 days". So, after 4 Jobs, the volume status is changed to
> "Used" and after 7 days it can be Recycled.
> There's some way to make this using just the Volume Retention or I'm forced
> to use "Maximun Volume Jobs" together?

You could use Volume Use Duration instead of Maximun Volume Jobs, but you
definitely need to limit use separately from retention.


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