>>>>> On Mon, 11 Jul 2011 11:42:35 +0200 (CEST), Pierre Bourgin said:
> Hello,
> I have installed bacula 5.0.3 on a CentOS 5.4 x86_64 system (RPM x86_64 
> rebuilt from source) and it's working great since a year.
> After a mistake I mad, I need to restore my catalog.
> So I tried to use bextract in order to restore a 51 MB file from a 
> volume-disk file of 20GB.
> bextract hangs a lot: 100% CPU used, no I/O wait at all.
> After several minutes of run, I stopped it without any success: restored file 
> with created, but empty.
> Since I really need this file, I've tried the 32bit version of bextract on 
> the same system: worked fine !
> I've tried to debug it by the use of strace, but I'm not clever enough to 
> find anything usefull in these outputs.
> (please find the strace files attached to this email)
> So I don't know if it's a bug from the packaging or a bextract bug related to 
> 64bit platform ?
> If someone has a clue ...
To find out where is it looping, attach gdb to the process when it is hanging
(use gdb -p $pidofbextract) and then issue the gdb commands

thread apply all bt

Do this a few times to get an idea of how it changes.

If you have debuginfo packages for bacula, then install them first.


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