I'm new to Bacula and am having trouble getting backups of two Mac OS X clients 
to work. I think the problem is with my configuration and hope someone can 
correct my errors. Here are the conf files:

Mac1 bacula-fd.conf
Director {
  Name = dracula-dir
  Password = "blah"
Director {
  Name = dracula-mon
  Password = "blah"
  Monitor = yes
FileDaemon {
  Name = Mac1-fd
  FDport = 9102
  WorkingDirectory = /private/var/bacula/working
  Pid Directory = /var/run
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
Messages {
  Name = Standard
  director = dracula-dir = all, !skipped, !restored

Mac2 bacula-fd.conf
Director {
  Name = dracula-dir
  Password = "blah"
Director {
  Name = dracula-mon
  Password = "blah"
  Monitor = yes
FileDaemon {
  Name = Mac2
  FDport = 9102
  WorkingDirectory = /private/var/bacula/working
  Pid Directory = /var/run
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
Messages {
  Name = Standard
  director = Mac2-dir = all, !skipped, !restored

Server bacula-dir.conf
Director {
  Name = dracula-dir
  DIRport = 9101
  QueryFile = "/root/bacula/bin/query.sql"
  WorkingDirectory = "/root/bacula/bin/working"
  PidDirectory = "/root/bacula/bin/working"
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
  Password = "blah"
  Messages = Daemon
JobDefs {
  Name = "DefaultJob"
  Type = Backup
  Level = Incremental
  Client = dracula-fd 
  FileSet = "Full Set"
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
  Storage = File
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = File
  Priority = 10
  Write Bootstrap = "/root/bacula/bin/working/%c.bsr"
Job {
  Name = "BackupClient1"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
Job {
   Name = "Mac1-test"
   Client = Mac1-fd
   JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
   FileSet = "Mac1_test"
Job {
   Name = "Mac2-test"
   Client = Mac2-fd
   JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
   FileSet = "Mac2_test"
Job {
  Name = "BackupCatalog"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  Level = Full
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"
  RunBeforeJob = "/root/bacula/bin/make_catalog_backup.pl MyCatalog"
  RunAfterJob  = "/root/bacula/bin/delete_catalog_backup"
  Write Bootstrap = "/root/bacula/bin/working/%n.bsr"
  Priority = 11                   # run after main backup
Job {
  Name = "RestoreFiles"
  Type = Restore
  FileSet="Full Set"                  
  Storage = File                      
  Pool = Default
  Messages = Standard
  Where = /tmp/bacula-restores
FileSet {
  Name = "Full Set"
  Include {
    Options {
      signature = MD5
    File = /root/bacula/bin
  Exclude {
    File = /root/bacula/bin/working
    File = /tmp
    File = /proc
    File = /tmp
    File = /.journal
    File = /.fsck
FileSet {
  Name = "Mac1_test"
  Include {
    Options {
      hfsplussupport = yes
    File = /Users/tscollins/Download
FileSet {
  Name = "Mac2_test"
  Include {
    Options {
      hfsplussupport = yes
    File = /Users/Technology
Schedule {
  Name = "WeeklyCycle"
  Run = Full 1st sun at 23:05
  Run = Differential 2nd-5th sun at 23:05
  Run = Incremental mon-sat at 23:05
Schedule {
  Name = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"
  Run = Full sun-sat at 23:10
FileSet {
  Name = "Catalog"
  Include {
    Options {
      signature = MD5
    File = "/root/bacula/bin/working/bacula.sql"
Client {
  Name = dracula-fd
  Address = dracula
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  Password = "blah"
  File Retention = 30 days
  Job Retention = 6 months
  AutoPrune = yes
Client {
  Name = Mac1-fd
  Address = Mac1
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  Password = "blah"
  File Retention = 30 days
  Job Retention = 6 months
  AutoPrune = yes
Client {
  Name = Mac2-fd
  Address = Mac2
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  Password = "blah"
  File Retention = 30 days
  Job Retention = 6 months
  AutoPrune = yes
Storage {
  Name = File
  Address = dracula
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = "blah"
  Device = FileStorage
  Media Type = File
Catalog {
  Name = MyCatalog
  dbname = "bacula"; dbuser = "bacula"; dbpassword = ""
Messages {
  Name = Standard
  mailcommand = "/root/bacula/bin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" 
-s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
  operatorcommand = "/root/bacula/bin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) 
\<%r\>\" -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
  mail = root@localhost = all, !skipped            
  operator = root@localhost = mount
  console = all, !skipped, !saved
  append = "/root/bacula/bin/working/log" = all, !skipped
  catalog = all
Messages {
  Name = Daemon
  mailcommand = "/root/bacula/bin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" 
-s \"Bacula daemon message\" %r"
  mail = root@localhost = all, !skipped            
  console = all, !skipped, !saved
  append = "/root/bacula/bin/working/log" = all, !skipped
Pool {
  Name = Default
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 365 days
Pool {
  Name = File
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 365 days
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 50G
  Maximum Volumes = 100
Pool {
  Name = Scratch
  Pool Type = Backup
Console {
  Name = dracula-mon
  Password = "blah"
  CommandACL = status, .status

I use bat to run a job on Mac1 and the Console shows this:

run job="Mac1-test" fileset="Mac1_test" level="Incremental" client="Mac1-fd" 
pool="File" storage="File" priority="10" when="2011-07-10 11:59:24" yes 
Job queued. JobId=15
10-Jul 11:59 dracula-dir JobId 15: No prior Full backup Job record found.
10-Jul 11:59 dracula-dir JobId 15: No prior or suitable Full backup found in 
catalog. Doing FULL backup.

but nothing gets backed up.

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