Hi all, bacula log show there has been an error ( Non-fatal FD errors).
No clue of what happened.
Where can I find more informations about it?

27-feb 01:52 fox2003-fd JobId 282: VSS Writer (BackupComplete):
"System Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
27-feb 01:53 mainbkp-sd JobId 282: Job write elapsed time = 01:46:57,
Transfer rate = 3.109 M Bytes/second
27-feb 01:52 fox2003-fd JobId 282: VSS Writer (BackupComplete):
"MSDEWriter", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
27-feb 01:52 fox2003-fd JobId 282: VSS Writer (BackupComplete):
"Registry Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
27-feb 01:52 fox2003-fd JobId 282: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "Event
Log Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
27-feb 01:52 fox2003-fd JobId 282: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "COM+
REGDB Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
27-feb 01:52 fox2003-fd JobId 282: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "WMI
Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
27-feb 01:53 control-station-director JobId 282: Bacula
control-station-director 5.0.2 (28Apr10): 27-feb-2011 01:53:34
  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu debian 5.0.5
  JobId:                  282
  Job:                    bkp-FOX-2003.2011-02-27_00.05.00_12
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 "fox-fd" 5.0.3 (04Aug10) Linux,Cross-compile,Win32
  FileSet:                "fox-2003-fileset" 2011-02-16 00:05:00
  Pool:                   "main-pool" (From Job resource)
  Catalog:                "FloverCatalog" (From Client resource)
  Storage:                "mainbkp-sd" (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time:         27-feb-2011 00:05:00
  Start time:             27-feb-2011 00:06:17
  End time:               27-feb-2011 01:53:34
  Elapsed time:           1 hour 47 mins 17 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       270,268
  SD Files Written:       270,268
  FD Bytes Written:       19,906,625,347 (19.90 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       19,952,637,653 (19.95 GB)
  Rate:                   3092.5 KB/s
  Software Compression:   63.7 %
  VSS:                    yes
  Encryption:             no
  Accurate:               no
  Volume name(s):         main-0129
  Volume Session Id:      27
  Volume Session Time:    1298278661
  Last Volume Bytes:      19,982,722,170 (19.98 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    1
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK -- with warnings

27-feb 01:53 control-station-director JobId 282: Begin pruning Jobs
older than 21 days .
27-feb 01:53 control-station-director JobId 282: No Jobs found to prune.
27-feb 01:53 control-station-director JobId 282: Begin pruning Jobs.
27-feb 01:53 control-station-director JobId 282: No Files found to prune.
27-feb 01:53 control-station-director JobId 282: End auto prune.

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