2011/6/23 Kevin O'Connor <kev...@arc90.com>:
> So I've followed that SSH tunneling article, but I see that the FD on the
> remote server outside of the firewall is trying to connect to 172.16.x.x,
> which is what the SD resolves to inside of our network.  I've followed the
> instructions in the article to add the SD FQDN to /etc/hosts to make it
> resolve to, but somehow this 172.16.x.x address is getting passed
> along.
> Does the Bacula Director resolve that FQDN and pass the IP along instead of
> passing the FQDN?  I'm talking about what's specified in bacula-sd.conf.
> Thanks!
> On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 6:55 PM, Dan Langille <d...@langille.org> wrote:
>> On Jun 20, 2011, at 12:11 PM, Kevin O'Connor wrote:
>> > My setup is as follows:
>> >
>> > Bacula Server (DIR, SD) -> Firewall/NAT -> Server to be backed up (FD)
>> >
>> > The FD is accessible from anywhere, but the DIR/SD is not (NAT/FW).
>> >
>> > When I start the backup, the Director connects to the FD without a
>> > problem, but then when the Director tells the FD to connect back to the SD
>> > it fails because of the NAT.  I'm in a situation where I can't get the 
>> > ports
>> > forwarded, but it would seem that there should be a way to have the SD
>> > connect out to the FD or something along those lines to get this working.
>> >  Is there a way to do that that I've missed in the docs or is really the
>> > only way to get this working is to expose the SD?
>> No, there is not.
>> I highly recommend OpenVPN.  It simplifies a great many things.
>> --
>> Dan Langille - http://langille.org
I would second Dan and suggest that OpenVPN is a cleaner method that
using an SSH Tunnell. There is some more work to initially configure,
but as you are creating a full tunnel, not just forwarding a single port, it
allows you to run "anything" without modifying the application.

apologies to all for two emails, not a clue how the other email
managed to send...

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