2011/5/3 Robert Kromoser <robert.kromo...@kinamu.com>
> Hi everybody.
> I am not able to run 2 bacula jobs from 2 different clients at the same
> time.
> As described in the bacula concepts documentation I created for both
> clients
> an own device in the sd.conf files.
> Then I created for both client an own storage and an own pool in the
> dir.conf files and in the
> Pool I use different volume label formats.
> When I start the first job on the first client (ccrm0004) it’s getting the
> status R (running).
> But if I start immediately a second job from the second client (ccrmtest),
> then bacula sets
> the status to C (Created, but not running).
> Does anyone know what I did wrong?
Check if you have a Max Jobs parameter set for more then "1" for all:
director, clients, storage daemon.
You can check it by console command: show director, show client, show
best regards
Radosław Korzeniewski
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