On 07/06/11, John Drescher (dresche...@gmail.com) wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Rory Campbell-Lange
> <r...@campbell-lange.net> wrote:

> > Does deleting the job remove the data (in this case the data for job
> > 329) off the tape? That is what I need to do.
> >
> No, it does not delete anything off of the tape. This is not a thing
> that can be done reliably with tape drives especially with drives
> variable compression however even without compression on tape drives
> do not always use the exact same amount of tape for the exact same
> amount of bytes.

That is really interesting -- I had no idea it was that hard as
(presumably) Bacula knows how to position to a specific block location
in order to retrieve a file.

Thanks for the info.

Rory Campbell-Lange

Campbell-Lange Workshop
0207 6311 555
3 Tottenham Street London W1T 2AF
Registered in England No. 04551928

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