On Tuesday 17 May 2011, Alan Langley elucidated thus:
> Hello,
> I'm getting the following error when attempting to start the
> bacula-director on ubuntu.
> 17-May 14:05 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: Version error for
> database "bacula". Wanted 10, got 12 17-May 14:05 bacula-dir JobId 0:
> Fatal error: Could not open Catalog "MyCatalog", database "bacula".

This is the important error.  Apparently the director cannot connect to 
the database at all.

> 17-May 14:05 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: Version error for
> database "bacula". Wanted 10, got 12 17-May 14:05 bacula-dir ERROR
> TERMINATION Please correct configuration file:
> /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf

This appears to be a result of bacula trying to check, even though it 
can't connect.

> We are running Bacula version 5.0.3
> And
> I ran a mysql script to update the database files which seemed to
> work OK without errors
> This script will update a Bacula MySQL database from version 11 to 12
> which is needed to convert from Bacula Enterprise 2.6 to 4.0 or
> Standard version 3.0 to 5.0
> Can you tell which mysql version I should be running with this
> version of bacula and more on what the error is trying to tell me.

I would think any recent MySQL would work, but the error above refers to 
the version of the Bacula database (its internal structure) not to the 
version of the database server.


Joshua Kugler
Part-Time System Admin/Programmer
http://www.eeinternet.com - Fairbanks, AK
PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu/  ID 0x73B13B6A

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