Hi Graham.


Yes, you are right.

When I wait for at least 5 minutes, the Differential Backup identifies the 

Full backup run and another 5 minutes ago the Incremental backup run identifies 

previous Differential backup run.

The problem is solved now.


Thx for you support.


br Robert



Message: 3

Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 08:23:32 +0100

From: Graham Keeling <gra...@equiinet.com>

Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Full backup will not be idendtified

To: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net

Message-ID: <20110516072332.ga14...@invader.dev.equiinet.com>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 08:43:51AM +0200, Robert Kromoser wrote:

> Hi folks.


> In my configuration I have 2 files per client.

> One file contains the storage definition (Archive Device)

> and one file contains the directory directives.

> I use one fileset definition named "SugarCRM_<xxxx>_Fileset" for

> my three backup jobs SugarCRM_xxx_Full, SugarCRM_xxx_Diff 

> and SugarCRM_xxx_Incr where xxx is the name of the client.


> When I start a Full Backup it will be terminated successfully.

> When I start a Differential or Incremental backup immediate

> following the Full backup then the Full backup won't be identified

> and the Differential or Incremental Backup starts a Full backup again.


> Does anyone know this problem?


Does it find the full backup when you start the next job a long time later?


Bacula relies heavily on timestamps to determine the last full backup.

Therefore, a good thing to check is your clock and the times that are getting

written into your database.


You can use this SQL command to get a list of jobs and times:

SELECT JobId,Job,Level,StartTime,EndTime FROM Job;






Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Robert Kromoser


SAP Certified Technology Consultant/
System Administrator


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