2011/5/10 Rodrigo Renie Braga <rodrigore...@gmail.com>:
> Hello everyone.
> I've been having a problem with Bacula with a Pool that rotates the tapes
> daily, like that:
> Pool {
>     Name = pool.inc.muitobaixo
>     Pool Type = Backup
>     Storage = st.tpa
>     Volume Use Duration = 1 day
>     Volume Retention = 1 day
>     Scratch Pool = scratch.tpa
>     RecyclePool = scratch.tpa
>     File Retention =  6 months
>     Job Retention =  6 months
>     Cleaning Prefix = "CLN"
> }


> Now Bacula send it back to the scratch.tpa, but only I force it with the
> update command before the purge... why? Isn't it setting the RecyclePool
> properly from the configuration file? Does it have anything to do with the 1
> day Volume Retention period?
> Thanks!

It's not very clear from the documentation, but you have to set
RecyclePool directive only for scratch.tpa pool, not any of the
others. You must also assign volumes to scratch.tpa when labeling them
in order for them to return to that pool when recycled. Here's my
configuration, none of the LTO4_* pools have RecyclePool set:

Pool {
        Name = Scratch
        PoolType = Backup
        RecyclePool = Scratch

Pool { Name = LTO4_A; @/opt/bacula/etc/conf.d/dir-LTO4.pool; }
Pool { Name = LTO4_B; @/opt/bacula/etc/conf.d/dir-LTO4.pool; }
Pool { Name = LTO4_C; @/opt/bacula/etc/conf.d/dir-LTO4.pool; }
Pool { Name = LTO4_D; @/opt/bacula/etc/conf.d/dir-LTO4.pool; }
Pool { Name = LTO4_E; @/opt/bacula/etc/conf.d/dir-LTO4.pool; }
Pool { Name = LTO4_F; @/opt/bacula/etc/conf.d/dir-LTO4.pool; }

When labeling a volume, I do something like this:

* label pool=Scratch volume=ABC ...

After that, volume 'ABC' will be used by whichever LTO4_* pool needs it.

- Max

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