Excerpts from Myles Merrell's message of Thu May 05 11:28:10 -0400 2011:

Hi Myles,

> When I compile bacula I get the following errors:
> Undefined                       first referenced
>   symbol                             in file
> mysql_fetch_row                     
> .../bacula-5.0.3/src/cats/.libs/libbacsql.so

The linker can't find a library providing the required symbols.
You'll want some combination of CFLAGS/LDFLAGS that includes
-L/usr/local/mysql and -R/usr/local/mysql.  The latter will eliminate
the need to fiddle with crle or LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables.

I'd also point out that I'm working on bacula packages for OpenCSW
(solaris) and have a test set available here:


They presume that you're using OpenCSW's mysql and any other required
libraries, but those are easily fetchable too.  Feel free to ping me
off-list if you have questions.

Might save you some time?  They work fine presently in my setup
although I'll possibly need to fiddle with RBAC stuff to allow access
to tape devices when running the storage daemon as non-root.

Ben Walton
Systems Programmer - CHASS
University of Toronto
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