On 03/05/11 00:00, John Drescher wrote:
> 2011/5/2 Philip Yarra<pya...@radoncvic.com.au>:
>> My bacula now seems to be firmly wedged, with all jobs trying to use the
>> same volume (and my config very definitely says to use each volume only
>> once).
>> Scheduled Jobs:
>> Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
>> ===================================================================================
>> Incremental    Backup    10  02-May-11 22:00    wd-server-user-shares
>> Full-0179
>> Incremental    Backup    10  02-May-11 22:00    em-fap-user-shares Full-0179
>> Incremental    Backup    10  02-May-11 22:00    rg-server-user-shares
>> Full-0179
>> Incremental    Backup    10  02-May-11 22:00    ep-server-user-shares
>> Full-0179
>> Incremental    Backup    10  02-May-11 22:00    fr-server-user-shares
>> Full-0179
>> Incremental    Backup    10  02-May-11 22:00    rov-impac-1-tshome Full-0179
>> Incremental    Backup    10  02-May-11 22:00    zevon-home         Full-0179
>> Incremental    Backup    10  02-May-11 22:00    rov-citrix-cs-documents
>> Full-0179
>> ====
>> Can anyone advise on how bacula has got wedged like this, and how I can fix
>> it? Help??
> Bacula does not really know what volume it will use till it actually
> starts the backup so the display will not take into account "Use
> volume once" or any other condition that limits the volume usage.

That's right - normally it displays *unknown* in the column for volume, 
and it gets a new volume allocated when the job runs. But in the case I 
showed above, the upcoming jobs had been pre-allocated a volume, which 
isn't normal. Also, they'd all been allocated the same one, which won't 
work, as each volume can be used once only.

Hence why I'm asking "how could this happen?" and "how do I fix it?"

I fixed it (for now) by manually changing the volume to be disabled. The 
jobs then grabbed another volume, until with enough re-starts and 
disabling a few volumes, it came back to normal.

I think there's a problem with bacula, I'd like to help find out what it 
is, and how to fix it, but I need some help, as I don't really know 
where to start looking.


Philip Yarra
System Administrator
Radiation Oncology Victoria
phone: 0447 502 176
email: pya...@radoncvic.com.au

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