So the problem as described below is that if I'm trying to create two or
more VirtualFulls to the same Storage Resource at the same time, the
first Job grabs both the Devices in my Autochanger (one to read and one
to write), leaving the second Job to die.  One way to get around this is
to stagger my VirtualFull Jobs.  I don't want to do that because 1) that
makes my bacula-dir.conf larger and more complex, and 2) I want those
VirtualFull Jobs running one after the other without any wasted time
between and without having to guesstimate the duration of each Job.


I worked around this issue by writing a simple Perl script which I
schedule from cron.  The script keeps a list of all the Clients for
which I want a VirtualFull.  It then creates the VirtualFull Job for one
Client at a time, checking at five minute intervals for running Bacula
jobs.  If there are running jobs, it waits, if not, it kicks off a
VirtualFull for the next Client.  The script is below in case anyone
else is dealing with the same issue and happens to be interested in my
little workaround.









use DBI();







my @CLIENTS = qw (










my $srv = $ARGV[0];

my ( $user, $password ) = ( "bacula", "" );

my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=bacula;host=$srv", $user,


my $query = "SELECT COUNT(j.JobId)

FROM Job j

WHERE j.JobStatus='R'";


my $sth = $dbh->prepare ( $query );







### sub to create a VirtualFull

### through the Bacula console


sub CreateVirtualFull {


my $Client = $_[0];


@CONSOLE = `/opt/bacula/sbin/bconsole <<END

run job="DAILY:$Client" level=VirtualFull yes







### sub to query the SQL database

### for running jobs


sub CheckRunningJobs {



my @DATA = $sth->fetchrow_array;

my $runningJobs = $DATA[0];


return $runningJobs;






### go through the Client list

### create a VirtualFull for each Client one at a time


foreach $Client ( @CLIENTS ) {


   ## if no jobs are running, make the VirtualFull

   ## otherwise wait 1 minute before trying again


   my $runningJobs = 1;


   until ( $runningJobs == 0 ) {


        $runningJobs = CheckRunningJobs();

        unless ( $runningJobs == 0 ) {

           print "there are running jobs; sleeping ... \n";

           sleep 60;





   print "no running jobs; executing Job for $Client\n";


   sleep 60;









exit 0;



From: Kurzawa, Greg [] 
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2011 10:36 AM
Subject: [Bacula-users] Tape Drive Contention


Hi everyone,


I've got an LTO drive utilization/scheduling problem that I'm hoping
someone can help with.


I have a Schedule shared by two different Clients.  This schedule runs a
daily incremental at 20:00, and a Virtual Full Mondays at 08:00.  The
dailys work great; the part I'm having problems with is the Virtual


Both Clients have their own disk Pools, but share a tape Pool.


I have an autochanger with two LTO4 drives:


Autochanger {

  name = "TS3310"

  device = ULT3580-TD4_0, ULT3580-TD4_1

  changer device = /dev/changer

  changer command = "/opt/bacula/sbin/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"



Device {

  name = "ULT3580-TD4_0"

  media type = LTO4

  changer device = /dev/changer

  archive device = /dev/nst0

  drive index = 0

  autochanger = yes



Device {

  name = "ULT3580-TD4_1"

  media type = LTO4

  changer device = /dev/changer

  archive device = /dev/nst1

  drive index = 1

  autochanger = yes



When the Virtual Full Jobs start, the first Client grabs both Devices,
one to read from and one to write to.

The second Client promptly fails when it tries to grab a Device for


Fatal error: acquire.c:166 No suitable device found to read Volume 


What I was expecting was that the second job would see that both LTO4
Devices are in use and wait a certain amount of time before failing.
Does anyone know how I can make this happen short of staggering my



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