Yes, you are right. I was trying to say that based on what you wrote, you might 
be able to accomplish the same thing a different way. I don't have an answer 
for your exact question, just trying to help.

Here is my thinking:

The point is that as long as there is a full backup on Friday, none of your 
diff backups will run on Saturday anyway - your tape drive is still busy with 
the Friday backup.

You have machine 1, machine 2, machine 3 and machine 4 to back up. You want a 
full backup to happen once per month on a Friday, and a differential backup of 
all the other machines on a Saturday. But unless you have multiple volumes (or 
allow concurrent backups), that schedule is not going to happen in the first 
place - the backups all execute consecutively.

So according to your plan, you schedule a full backup of Machine 1 on the first 
Friday 22:05, and a diff backup of machines 2, 3 and 4 on Saturday 22:05. 
What's really going to happen is that the backup for Machine 1 takes, say, 30 
hours. So the diff backup for Machine 2 actually starts on Sunday morning, 4 
AM. The diff backup takes 12 hours. So Machine 3's diff backup doesn't even 
start until Sunday afternoon.

And that's true regardless of whether your schedule calls for Saturday 22:05 
PM, or Friday, 22:10 PM. So there really is no reason to schedule on the 
Saturday in the first place.

Again, concurrency could throw a monkeywrench into that plan (although I think 
priorities should still keep it working the same way)

Kevin Keane
The NetTech
(North County Tech Center, LLC dba The NetTech)

-----Original Message-----
From: hymie! [] 
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2011 12:03 PM
To: Kevin Keane
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] friday vs saturday

Kevin Keane writes:
>How is your concurrency configured? If you only have one concurrent 
>job, the a ctual dates you have in your schedule aren't related to 
>reality in the first p lace. If that is your configuration, your 
>backups aren't going to run on Satur day anyway, but on Sunday or 
>whenever the full backups are finished. That mean s that the exact time 
>you schedule the differentials doesn't matter. Just sche dule them to 
>start five minutes after the fulls (at 22:10), and with a lower p riority.

I think you missed the point of my question.  That's probably my fault, for 
being too verbose.

But my question was, how do I
* schedule a full backup on a specific Friday
* schedule differential backups on Saturdays
* * but not the day immediately after a full backup ?

>-----Original Message-----
>From: hymie! []
>Sent: Monday, April 25, 2011 9:43 AM
>Subject: [Bacula-users] friday vs saturday
>So I have four machines whose full backups take more than 24 hours.
>As an additional problem, one of those 4 machines takes 12 hours just 
>to do an  Incremental/Differential backup.  (The full backup takes 43
>I had the idea that I would assign each machine its own Friday to do a 
>full ba ckup, where no other backups would take place.  Then on 
>Saturday, each of the machines that didn't just do a full backup would 
>do a Differential backup.  Fi nally, incrementals the rest of the week.
>I was just about to set up schedules for these boxes that look 
>something like
>Schedule {
>  Name = "1stFridayFull"
>  Run = Full 1st fri at 22:05
>  Run = Differential 2nd-5th sat at 22:05
>  Run = Incremental sun-thu at 22:05
>Schedule {
>  Name = "2ndFridayFull"
>  Run = Full 2nd fri at 22:05
>  Run = Differential 1st sat at 22:05
>  Run = Differential 3nd-5th sat at 22:05
>  Run = Incremental sun-thu at 22:05
>But then I realized -- sometimes, the day after the 1st Friday is the 
>2nd Satu rday.
>(caution: monospaced font ahead)
>    October 2011    
>Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
>                   1
> 2  3  4  5  6  7  8
> 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
>16 17 18 19 20 21 22
>23 24 25 26 27 28 29
>30 31
>So it seems that, on Fri 7 October, my 1stFriFull machine will do a 
>full backu p; on Sat 8 October, that same machine will do a Differential 
>Meanwhile, my 2ndFriFull machine will do a Differential on Sat 1 
>October, incr ementals during the week, nothing at all on the 7th or 
>8th, more incrementals,  before finally doing a Full backup on the 14th...
>again followed immediately by a Differential backup on the 15th.
>Is there a way to avoid this problem and accomplish what I want to accomplish?
>  The only thing that comes to mind is with unusual time math, such as 
>schedul eing my Differential backups for Friday at 46:05; but I doubt 
>that Bacula supp orts this.

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