I am by no means an expert, but I can hopefully give you my experience.

A backup that I inherited was set up with 2 disks, a storage for each disk,
and a pool for each storage.  Apparantly, bacula can sometimes get
confused when two storages use the same media.  Because more than once,
my backups would try to load a volume on the wrong storage.

Even worse --

This backup system put the full backups in Pool A on Storage A and the
associated incrementals in Pool B on Storage B.  When I needed to do
a restore, it found all of the jobs, and then asked me which Storage
should it use to find the volumes -- Storage A or Storage B?  Apparantly,
"Both" was not an acceptable answer.

So I believe the correct answer is:
Disk A
Storage A
Pool A
Machine 1
Machine 2
Machine 3

Disk B
Storage B
Pool B
Machine 4
Machine 5
Machine 6

And hopefully, never the 'twain shall meet.

Now, each of my disks is 2TB.  If you've got a 16-bay JBOD and, say,
12 100GB disks, then you might be even better off setting up a striped
logical volume at the OS level, and tell Bacula that it's a single disk.

Mike Hobbs writes:
>  I'm still on my quest to get bacula to write data to more than one 
>disk drive.. I have a 16-bay JBOD unit.  I was pointed to "vchanger" but 
>as bacula is a bit complicated already, I don't want to add a 3rd party 
>program into the mix as well (unless I have to).  I also have to believe 
>that bacula can write to more than one disk without this software package.

--hymie!    http://lactose.homelinux.net/~hymie    hy...@lactose.homelinux.net
Don't anthropomorphize computers.  They hate that.                  --overheard

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