Am 01.04.2011 13:39, schrieb Polonkai Gergely:
> 2011. 04. 1, péntek keltezéssel 11.55-kor J. Echter ezt írta:
>> Am 01.04.2011 11:02, schrieb Polonkai Gergely: 
>>> Hello list,
>>> I am trying to create a copy job that runs every day after all the
>>> other backups, and copies all the backups from our on-site storage
>>> to an off-site storage. When typing "messages" in the console, I see
>>> this:
>>> 01-Apr 10:17 brokernet-director JobId 6802: The following 1 JobId
>>> was chosen to be copied: 1
>>> 01-Apr 10:17 brokernet-director JobId 6802: Copying using JobId=1
>>> Job=bracula-etc.2010-10-25_15.57.05.03
>>> 01-Apr 10:17 brokernet-director JobId 6802: Bootstrap records
>>> written to /var/lib/bacula/brokernet-director.restore.3.bsr
>>> But nothing more. No job seems to even touch any of the storages. Am
>>> I missing something?
>>> My configuration is identical to the one in the documentation at
>>> except that I use two File storages, and no tapes at all. I'm using
>>> the 5.0.2 suite's Debian version.
>>> My bacula-sd.conf:
>>> Storage {
>>>         Name = brokernet-storage
>>>         SDPort = 9103
>>>         WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/bacula"
>>>         Pid Directory = "/var/run/bacula"
>>>         Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
>>>         SDAddress =
>>> }
>>> Director {
>>>         Name = brokernet-director
>>>         Password = "XXX"
>>> }
>>> Director {
>>>         Name = brokernet-monitoring
>>>         Password = "XXX"
>>>         Monitor = yes
>>> }
>>> Device {
>>>         Name = AppleSan
>>>         Media Type = File
>>>         Archive Device = /var/backups/bacula/san
>>>         LabelMedia = yes
>>>         Random Access = Yes
>>>         AutomaticMount = yes
>>>         RemovableMedia = no
>>>         AlwaysOpen = no
>>> }
>>> Device {
>>>         Name = SecCopy
>>>         Media Type = File-Copy
>>>         Archive Device = /var/backups/bacula/copy
>>>         LabelMedia = yes
>>>         Random Access = yes
>>>         AutomaticMount = yes
>>>         Removable Media = no
>>>         AlwaysOpen = no
>>> }
>>> Device {
>>>         Name = SecFS
>>>         Media Type = File
>>>         Archive Device = /var/backups/bacula/fs
>>>         LabelMedia = yes
>>>         Random Access = yes
>>>         AutomaticMount = yes
>>>         Removable Media = no
>>>         AlwaysOpen = no
>>> }
>>> Messages {
>>>         Name = Standard
>>>         director = brokernet-director = all
>>> }
>>> My bacula-dir.conf:
>>> Director {
>>>         Name = brokernet-director
>>>         DIRport = 9101
>>>         QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/scripts/query.sql"
>>>         WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/bacula"
>>>         PidDirectory = "/var/run/bacula"
>>>         Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
>>>         Password = "XXX"
>>>         Messages = Daemon
>>>         DirAddress =
>>> }
>>> JobDefs {
>>>         Name = "DefaultJob"
>>>         Type = Backup
>>>         Level = Incremental
>>>         Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
>>>         Storage = brokernet-sd
>>>         Messages = Standard
>>>         Pool = brokernet-server-pool
>>>         Priority = 10
>>> }
>>> FileSet {
>>>         Name = "Full"
>>>         Include {
>>>                 Options {
>>>                         signature = MD5
>>>                 }
>>>                 File = /
>>>         }
>>>         Exclude {
>>>                 File = /proc
>>>                 File = /dev
>>>                 File = /sys
>>>         }
>>> }
>>> Job {
>>>         Name = "BackupCatalog"
>>>         JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
>>>         Level = Full
>>>         FileSet = "Catalog"
>>>         Client = "bracula-fd"
>>>         Schedule = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"
>>>         RunBeforeJob = "/etc/bacula/scripts/make_catalog_backup
>>> bacula bacula"
>>>         RunAfterJob  = "/etc/bacula/scripts/delete_catalog_backup"
>>>         Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/BackupCatalog.bsr"
>>>         Priority = 11
>>> }
>>> Job {
>>>         Name = "RestoreFiles"
>>>         Type = Restore
>>>         Client = bracula-fd
>>>         Storage = brokernet-sd             
>>>         FileSet = "Full"
>>>         Pool = brokernet-server-pool
>>>         Messages = Standard
>>>         Where = /tmp/bacula-restore
>>> }
>>> Job {
>>>         Name = "SecCopy"
>>>         Type = Copy
>>>         Level = Full
>>>         Client = bracula-fd
>>>         FileSet = "Full"
>>>         Messages = Standard
>>>         Pool = brokernet-server-pool
>>>         Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
>>> #       Selection Type = PoolUncopiedJobs
>>>         Selection Type = SQL Query
>>>         Selection Pattern = "
>>> SELECT DISTINCT J.JobId, J.StartTime
>>>         FROM Job J, Pool P
>>>         WHERE P.Name = 'brokernet-server-pool'
>>>                 AND P.PoolId = J.PoolId
>>>                 AND J.Type = 'B'
>>>                 AND J.JobStatus IN ('T','W')
>>>                 AND J.jobBytes > 0
>>>                 AND J.JobId NOT IN (
>>>                         SELECT PriorJobId
>>>                                 FROM Job
>>>                                 WHERE Type IN ('B','C')
>>>                                         AND Job.JobStatus IN
>>> ('T','W')
>>>                                         AND PriorJobId != 0
>>>                 )
>>>         ORDER BY J.StartTime
>>>         LIMIT 1
>>> "
>>> #       Selection Type = Volume
>>> #       Selection Pattern = "brnetBackup.server"
>>>         Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/SecCopy.bsr"
>>>         Priority = 12
>>> }
>>> Schedule {
>>>         Name = "WeeklyCycle"
>>>         Run = Full 1st sun at 23:05
>>>         Run = Differential 2nd-5th sun at 23:05
>>>         Run = Incremental mon-sat at 23:05
>>> }
>>> Schedule {
>>>         Name = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"
>>>         Run = Full sun-sat at 23:10
>>> }
>>> FileSet {
>>>         Name = "Catalog"
>>>         Include {
>>>                 Options {
>>>                         signature = MD5
>>>                 }
>>>                 File = /var/lib/bacula/bacula.sql
>>>         }
>>> }
>>> # Definition of file storage device
>>> Storage {
>>>         Name = brokernet-sd
>>>         Address =
>>>         SDPort = 9103
>>>         Password = "XXX"
>>>         Device = AppleSan
>>>         Media Type = File
>>> }
>>> Storage {
>>>         Name = brokernet-copy-sd
>>>         Address =
>>>         SDPort = 9103
>>>         Password = "XXX"
>>>         Device = SecCopy
>>>         Media Type = File-Copy
>>> }
>>> Storage {
>>>         Name = brokernet-fs-sd
>>>         Address =
>>>         SDPort = 9103
>>>         Password = "XXX"
>>>         Device = SecFS
>>>         Media Type = File
>>> }
>>> # Generic catalog service
>>> Catalog {
>>>         Name = BrokernetCatalog
>>>         dbname = "bacula"; dbuser = "bacula"; dbpassword = ""
>>> }
>>> Messages {
>>>         Name = Standard
>>>         mailcommand = "/usr/lib/bacula/bsmtp -h mail -f \"Bacula
>>> \<bacula@brokernet-group.local\>\" -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
>>>         operatorcommand = "/usr/lib/bacula/bsmtp -h mail -f \"Bacula
>>> \<bacula@brokernet-group.local\>\" -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed
>>> for %j\" %r"
>>>         mail = ithelpdesk@brokernet-group.local = all, !skipped
>>>         operator = ithelpdesk@brokernet-group.local = mount
>>>         console = all, !skipped, !saved
>>>         append = "/var/lib/bacula/log" = all, !skipped
>>>         syslog = all, !skipped
>>> }
>>> Messages {
>>>         Name = Daemon
>>>         mailcommand = "/usr/lib/bacula/bsmtp -h mail -f \"Bacula
>>> \<bacula@brokernet-group.local\>\" -s \"Bacula daemon message\" %r"
>>>         mail = ithelpdesk@brokernet-group.local = all, !skipped
>>>         console = all, !skipped, !saved
>>>         append = "/var/lib/bacula/log" = all, !skipped
>>>         syslog = all, !skipped
>>> }
>>> # Default pool definition
>>> Pool {
>>>         Name = brokernet-server-pool
>>>         Pool Type = Backup
>>>         Recycle = yes
>>>         AutoPrune = yes
>>>         Volume Retention = 365 days
>>>         Storage = brokernet-sd
>>>         Next Pool = brokernet-sec-copy-pool
>>> }
>>> Pool {
>>>         Name = brokernet-sec-copy-pool
>>>         Pool Type = Backup
>>>         Recycle = yes
>>>         AutoPrune = yes
>>>         Volume Retention = 365 days
>>>         Storage = brokernet-sd
>>> }
>>> Pool {
>>>         Name = brokernet-fs-pool
>>>         Pool Type = Backup
>>>         Recycle = yes
>>>         AutoPrune = yes
>>>         Volume Retention = 365 days
>>>         Storage = brokernet-sd
>>> }
>>> Console {
>>>         Name = bracula-mon
>>>         Password = "XXX"
>>>         CommandACL = status, .status
>>> }
>>> @/etc/bacula/jobs.conf
>>> @/etc/bacula/clients.conf
>>> @/etc/bacula/filesets.conf
>>> The files jobs.conf, clients.conf and filesets.conf hold all the
>>> client's configuration with several backup jobs.
>>> Thank you in advance!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Gergely Polonkai 
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>> is the bracula above a typo maybe?
>> greets
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> No, it's not. Everything is working find, except the copy job. bracula
> is the hostname, hence the client name of this file daemon, too
> (bracula-fd).
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sorry, i got a new logitech mouse and this one scrolls freaking fast...
i just overread most of your config.



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