Dne 28.3.2011 16:43, Josh Fisher napsal(a):
> On 3/27/2011 11:31 AM, Ondrej PLANKA (Ignum profile) wrote:
>>    >>   Ciao!
>>    >>
>>    >>   same behavior in 5.0.3 version. File based Volumes are not truncated
>>    >>   after console command "purge volume action=all allpools storage=File 
>> "
>>    >>
>>    >>   Any hints?
>>    >
>>    >   Does it work with pool=poolname, rather than allpools?
>> Unfortunately this is also not working, same result .....
> The pool must have:
>       Recycle = yes
>       RecyclePool = some_pool
>       ActionOnPurge = Truncate
> However, changing the pool configuration will only affect the creation
> of new volumes. Any volumes created before these changes are/were made
> to the pool must be updated manually using the update volume=some-volume
> command. You have volumes that seem not to be affected by the
> action=Truncate purge command. Most likely, those volumes have one of
> the above three settings incorrect.
Thanks Josh.
You are right, once I set up parameter "Recycle = yes" for given 
Volume/Volumes (update volume command) it was working, but I can 
observed that after manual purging of Volume/Volumes (commnad purge 
volume pool from console) one Volume got automatically status Recycle 
due to fact that parameter Recycle = yes is set up.

This kind of Volume is not consider for truncating (purge volume 
action=all allpools storage=File) because Volume has status Recycle and 
not Purged. Therefore file size of this Volume is still same.

Any hints?

Thanks, Ondrey.

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