On 22.03.2011 19:25, Jan Lentfer wrote:
> Am 18.03.2011 17:22, schrieb Phil Stracchino:
>> On 03/18/11 11:43, Jacek Bilski wrote:
>>> Is there any way to prevent this? Or at least to mark this volume as
>>> recycle? How do you deal with such situations?
>> The best strategy for mobile users, really, is to rsync to a local disk
>> pool and then back up the local disk pool.
> I think you could also spool those clients (data and attributes) so if
> the client goes offline only the spooled stuff gets discarded, nothing
> goes onto the volumes or database until the job has completley finished.

Thanks for the idea, I'll look into it.

rsyncing won't work because it's a small installation, and the only 
machine that could host rsynced data is the one with bacula pool of 
volumes. But thanks anyway.

Best regards


Jacek Bilski
Dyrektor ds. Technologii
tel.: +48 609 572 036

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