Am 14.03.2011 13:27, schrieb Martin Simmons:
>>>>>> On Mon, 14 Mar 2011 09:20:39 +0100, Christian Manal said:
>> Hi list,
>> following up this
>>    <>
>> I temporarily set "Accurate = yes" for the job in question (currently
>> still backing up everything), to see what impact this has on
>> performance. The incremental after that didn't take much longer than
>> usual, but the memory usage of the director and file-daemon skyrocketed.
>> That itself is expected and mentioned in the docs. What I didn't expect
>> was that the memory consumption didn't go down after the job was done.
>> Both, director and fd, were hogging up over 2G of RAM each until I
>> restarted them. There were no jobs running, no database activity, nothing.
>> That can't be the intended behavior, right? Does anyone have an idea
>> what could be going on and/or how to resolve this?
>> I'm running Bacula 5.0.3 with Postgres 8.3 on Solaris 10. The director
>> and fd in question are running on the same box, if that's of any importance.
> What happens when you run a second job?
> If it remains at 2G (rather than jumping to 4G) then my guess is that the OS's
> free isn't releasing memory back to the system.  It probably won't hog RAM
> forever, just swap space.

Thanks for the pointer. From Solaris 10 malloc(3C):

     [...] After free()
     is executed, this space is made available for further  allo-
     cation  by  the application, though not returned to the sys-
     tem. Memory is returned to the system only upon  termination
     of  the  application. [...]

So I have to restart Bacula after everything is done to get the memory
back. That kinda sucks and is clearly not Bacula's fault.

Christian Manal

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