I canceled a job about an hour ago as it wasn't going to run.  It is the 
only job that would be writing to the volume mounted in drive 1 of our 2 
drive Dell Powervault.  Drive 0 is in use doing backups from another 
pool.  After about a half an hour, I noticed that other jobs were 
"waiting on storage tape" and the volume that the canceled job would 
have written to was still in drive 1.  I tried to unmount the volume 
from drive 1 and got:

3937 Device "Drive-1" (/dev/nst1) is busy with 0 writer(s).

3937 is the number of the canceled job.  3937 no longer appears as a 
running job when doing a status dir, but shows up as a terminated job.  
Any idea why this job won't release the drive, despite being canceled 
and the drive showing that nothing is writing to it?


As I am writing this, I noticed that the volume did finally unmount from 
drive 1, and a volume from another pool is now mounted.  But, why the 
hour+ delay, when the entire time the drive showed that nothing was 
writing to it?

Thanks for any direction.


What You Don't Know About Data Connectivity CAN Hurt You
This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details
its effect on application quality, and explores various alternative
solutions. http://p.sf.net/sfu/progress-d2d
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