Am 21.02.2011 17:10, schrieb Chris Geegan:
> I am fairly new to Bacula and am very pleased with it. I have also seen a
> number of questions regarding remote client backups. As an IT admin I have
> found a number of product now have the ability to perform one full backup
> and then incrementals from that point forward. They also have the ability
> to collapse incrementals into a new synthetic Full.
> Does Bacula have a similar feature? I am curious about both remote client
> backups and smaller backup footprint. Being able to perform one full and
> incrementals after would be great.

i've got a question about this.

I do a full backup once a month, every day an incremental and on
saturday an differential.

would you, bacula-users, suggest to do a VirtualFull on sunday?

does this merge all prior backups? means, does this use more disk space
or are the prior backups merged into one full?

maybe i could avoid a full once a month, to save bandwith and disk space?



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