On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 5:41 PM, John Drescher <dresche...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> It appears the problem is with the catalog. I am using 64 bit gentoo
>>> linux and bacula-5.0.3 although the problem has persisted for years. I
>>> only use disk volumes for my catalog so I have not spent much effort
>>> investigating the cause.
>> What datatype is media.endblock on your system?  On mine, PostgreSQL, it is:
>> endblock         | bigint                      | not null
>> I suspect yours is int.  Changing it to bigint should fix the problem.
> It was an int.
> I executed the following command in psql:
> ALTER table media ALTER column endblock TYPE bigint;
> I will restart the catalog job and see if that fixes the problem..
> Thanks,

Looks like that worked..

You have messages.
21-Feb 17:51 datastore3-fd JobId 24353: shell command: run
ClientAfterJob "/usr/libexec/bacula/delete_catalog_backup"
21-Feb 17:48 fileserver-sd JobId 24353: Job write elapsed time =
00:08:07, Transfer rate = 6.757 M Bytes/second
21-Feb 17:48 fileserver-dir JobId 24353: Bacula fileserver-dir 5.0.3
(04Aug10): 21-Feb-2011 17:48:29
  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu gentoo
  JobId:                  24353
  Job:                    BackupCatalog.2011-02-21_17.36.52_39
  Backup Level:           Incremental, since=2011-02-21 01:13:25
  Client:                 "datastore3-fd" 5.0.3 (04Aug10)
  FileSet:                "Catalog" 2006-07-24 14:04:28
  Pool:                   "BackupCatalogs" (From Job resource)
  Catalog:                "HBCatalog" (From Client resource)
  Storage:                "File" (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time:         21-Feb-2011 17:36:49
  Start time:             21-Feb-2011 17:40:21
  End time:               21-Feb-2011 17:48:29
  Elapsed time:           8 mins 8 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       1
  SD Files Written:       1
  FD Bytes Written:       3,290,703,552 (3.290 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       3,290,703,667 (3.290 GB)
  Rate:                   6743.2 KB/s
  Software Compression:   69.6 %
  VSS:                    no
  Encryption:             no
  Accurate:               no
  Volume name(s):         Catalogs-0298
  Volume Session Id:      2
  Volume Session Time:    1298321400
  Last Volume Bytes:      3,294,522,464 (3.294 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK


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