I'm getting far too tired to follow this one... :)

I noticed that a Copy to Tape job was putting my incremental backups 
into a full pool.  That is, the original job was level = incremental. 
The copy to tape was run at level = full.

I wasn't sure why, but I think I've found it.

This is the original job output:

   JobId:                  52873
   Job:                    nyi_maildir.2011-02-17_08.00.00_27
   Backup Level:           Incremental, since=2011-02-17 04:00:09
   Client:                 "nyi-fd" 5.0.3 (04Aug10) 
   FileSet:                "nyi mymaildir" 2008-05-31 19:08:23
   Pool:                   "IncrFile" (From Job IncPool override)
   Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
   Storage:                "MegaFile" (From Pool resource)

This is the copy to tape:

   Prev Backup JobId:      52873
   Prev Backup Job:        nyi_maildir.2011-02-17_08.00.00_27
   New Backup JobId:       52932
   Current JobId:          52875
   Current Job:            CopyToTape-Inc.2011-02-17_08.32.00_29
   Backup Level:           Full
   Client:                 kraken-fd
   FileSet:                "Full Set" 2007-03-18 13:48:18
   Read Pool:              "FullFile" (From Job FullPool override)
   Read Storage:           "MegaFile" (From Pool resource)
   Write Pool:             "Fulls" (From Job Pool's NextPool resource)
   Write Storage:          "DigitalTapeLibrary" (From Storage from 
Pool's NextPool resource)
   Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
   Start time:             17-Feb-2011 09:56:43

This is the original job:

Job {
   Name            = "nyi maildir"
   JobDefs         = "DefaultJobRemote"
   Schedule        = "Maildir"
   Pool            = IncrFile
   Client          = "nyi-fd"
   FileSet         = "nyi mymaildir"
   Write Bootstrap = "/home/bacula/working/nyi-fd-maildir.bsr"

And its jobdefs:
JobDefs {
   Name        = "DefaultJobRemote"
   Type        = Backup
   Level       = Incremental
   Client      = polo-fd
   FileSet     = "Full Set"
   Schedule    = "WeeklyCycle"
   Storage     = MegaFile
   Messages    = Standard

   Pool        = FullFile  # required parameter for all Jobs

   Full         Backup Pool = FullFile
   Differential Backup Pool = DiffFile
   Incremental  Backup Pool = IncrFile

   Priority    = 20
   Spool Data       = no
   Spool Attributes = yes


This is the copy to tape job:

Job {
   Name     = "CopyToTape-Inc"
   Type     = Copy
   Level    = Incremental
   Pool     = IncrFile
   JobDefs  = "DefaultJobCopyDiskToTape"

   Priority    = 410

   Selection Type = SQL Query
   Selection Pattern = "
    FROM Job J, Pool P
    WHERE P.Name = 'IncrFile'
      AND P.PoolId = J.PoolId
      AND J.Type = 'B'
      AND J.JobStatus IN ('T','W')
      AND J.jobBytes > 0
      AND J.JobId NOT IN
          (SELECT PriorJobId
             FROM Job
            WHERE Type IN ('B','C')
              AND Job.JobStatus IN ('T','W')
              AND PriorJobId != 0)
ORDER BY J.StartTime

These are the Job Defs for that job:

JobDefs {
   Name        = "DefaultJobCopyDiskToTape"
   Type        = Backup
   Level       = Incremental
   Client      = kraken-fd
   FileSet     = "Full Set"
   Schedule    = "WeeklyCycleForCopyingToTape"
   Storage     = DigitalTapeLibrary
   Messages    = Standard

   Pool        = FullFile # required parameter for all Jobs

   # since this JobDef is meant to be used with a Copy Job
   # these Pools are the source for the Copy... not the destination.
   # The Destination is determined by the Next Pool directive in
   # the respective Pools.
   Full         Backup Pool = FullFile
   Differential Backup Pool = DiffFile
   Incremental  Backup Pool = IncrFile

   Priority    = 400

   # don't spool date when backing up to tape from local disk
   Spool Data  = no
   Spool Attributes = yes

   RunAfterJob  = "/home/dan/bin/dlt-stats-kraken"

   # no sense spooling local data
   Spool Data       = no
   Spool Attributes = yes
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 6

And here is the schedule... I think this is why the copy job went into 
the full pool:

Schedule {
   Name = "WeeklyCycleForCopyingToTape"
   Run = Level=Full at 8:32

But then, how do we explain this job, which is pretty much the same as 
the original job.

   JobId:                  52869
   Job:                    supernews_basic.2011-02-17_05.55.03_23
   Backup Level:           Incremental, since=2011-02-16 07:51:40
   Client:                 "supernews-fd" 5.0.3 (04Aug10) 
   FileSet:                "basic backup" 2010-09-09 02:42:37
   Pool:                   "IncrFile" (From Job IncPool override)
   Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
   Storage:                "MegaFile" (From Pool resource)

The copy job for this one has the right level, Incrementals, goes into 
the right pool, Incrementals.

   Prev Backup JobId:      52869
   Prev Backup Job:        supernews_basic.2011-02-17_05.55.03_23
   New Backup JobId:       52927
   Current JobId:          52926
   Current Job:            CopyToTape-Inc.2011-02-17_08.32.04_20
   Backup Level:           Incremental
   Client:                 kraken-fd
   FileSet:                "Full Set" 2007-03-18 13:48:18
   Read Pool:              "IncrFile" (From Job IncPool override)
   Read Storage:           "MegaFile" (From Pool resource)
   Write Pool:             "Incrementals" (From Job Pool's NextPool 
   Write Storage:          "DigitalTapeLibrary" (From Storage from Pool's
   NextPool resource)
   Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
   Start time:             17-Feb-2011 09:54:15
   End time:               17-Feb-2011 09:54:46

Dan Langille - http://langille.org/

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