On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 10:09:12AM -0500, Josh Fisher wrote:
> On 2/7/2011 6:54 AM, Graham Keeling wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 06:43:17AM -0500, Phil Stracchino wrote:
>>> On 02/07/11 04:11, xunil321 wrote:
>>>> I have a lack of understanding concerning the handling of a disk based file
>>>> volume to
>>>> avoid a disk overflow. Let's say there is a 100MB file volume "Volume-1".
>>>> What will be
>>>> happen after the Volume Retention Period when the Recycle and AutoPrune are
>>>> set to
>>>> "Yes" in our Pool setup?
>>>> Will Bacula 5.0.2 clean the 100MB contents of the file "Volume-1" so that 
>>>> it
>>>> will start from
>>>> scratch or do i have to delete/relabel the volume manually for further
>>>> usage?
>>> Starting with 5.0.x, there is a feature by which purged disk volumes can
>>> be automatically truncated.  This feature was BROKEN AND UNSAFE in
>>> 5.0.1.  It is my recollection that it is fixed, and works properly, in
>>> 5.0.3...  but as with all things, test first before you put it into
>>> production, just to be sure.
>> I can save you some testing and tell you that this feature doesn't work 
>> because
>> it doesn't truncate automatically.
>> See the last comment here:
>> http://sourcefORGE.NET/apps/wordpress/bacula/2010/02/01/new-actiononpurge-feature/
> It does work with 5.0.3. A simple console command, 'purge volume  
> action=all pool=pool_name', can easily be scripted with the RunScript  
> directive. I run it as a "run after" script in my catalog backup job,  
> but it can be run before a particular job, etc. just as easily.

I stand corrected! I shall try this out, one day.
So I need a RunScript on every job, which runs the truncate commands for each
pool that the job uses.
Thank you.

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