"Richard Marnau" <mar...@catering-kiel.de> writes:

> i'm stucked with a small but nasty problem. We need to restore a file
> which location is known, but the exact filename is not clear.  So I
> need to browse old backups, but the file table has been pruned (for an
> unknown reason).

okay, you'll have to look into that later.

> My steps:
> 1. Trying to Recover
> ==========
> Date: 2010-12-00 00:00:00
> --
> Automatically selected FileSet: FullWindows
> +-------+-------+----------+----------------+---------------------+------------+
> | JobId | Level | JobFiles | JobBytes       | StartTime           | 
> VolumeName |
> +-------+-------+----------+----------------+---------------------+------------+
> | 1,047 | F     |  225,597 | 58,975,948,699 | 2010-11-08 00:48:00 | Vol0039   
>  |
> | 1,188 | D     |    7,543 |  2,476,679,304 | 2010-11-21 23:59:43 | Vol0094   
>  |
> | 1,197 | I     |    1,456 |  1,237,777,449 | 2010-11-22 23:36:09 | Vol0094   
>  |
> +-------+-------+----------+----------------+---------------------+------------+
> You have selected the following JobIds: 1047,1188,1197
> Building directory tree for JobId(s) 1047,1188,1197 ...
> For one or more of the JobIds selected, no files were found,
> so file selection is not possible.
> Most likely your retention policy pruned the files.
> --

which version are you running?

at this point, I would expect you to be asked if you wanted to restore
everything.  if you answer "no", you will be prompted for a regular
expression to filter the restore.  the directory you want to restore is
usually a nice regexp, but you may need to quote special characters
('+', '?', '*' etc).  this feature was added in 3.0.0 I think, possibly

it could be that you are not prompted due to the edge case of only
*some* of the jobs being pruned.  in that case, you could try to do a
restore of the Full job in particular, ie. use mode 3 in the restore
menu and specify job 1047.

(I have never used bscan and can't offer suggestions there.)

Kjetil T. Homme
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