Hi Jeremy,

Am 26.01.2011 um 14:46 schrieb Jeremy Maes:
> Hey
> I've been working on gradually implementing bacula with all of our  
> clients as the new backup solution. Usually we run a standard GFS  
> rotation scheme to tape. However I've run into a special case today:
> I need to backup our linux server to a foreign share on a different  
> machine. The share can only ever contain a single volume at a time  
> to save space. This volume then gets backed up by the sysadmin to  
> tape. (out of my hands/control)
> So my idea was to do regular backups with volumes in our usual  
> Monday, Tuesday..., Weekly and Monthly pools, but remove the  
> existing volume on the share with a script in a runbefore job. When  
> emulating this however bacula will always look for the Monday,  
> Tuesday, ... volume that was used the week before, as it's retention  
> has expired, even tho recycling has been turned off. But this volume  
> no longer exists on the disk.
> Is there a way to tell bacula to create a new volume every time, yet  
> still keep all the relevant information in the database so we can do  
> day-restores up to a week ago, week restores for a couple of weeks,  
> etc?

i guess

Pool {

  Maximum Volume Jobs = 1


force the next job to be on the new volume.



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