On 21/01/11 14:55, Dan Langille wrote:
> On Fri, January 21, 2011 9:43 am, Mister IT Guru wrote:
>> On 21/01/11 14:35, Mister IT Guru wrote:
>>> I've fired up BAT, as I find it pretty useful when running estimates,
>>> and such. And I have found that a volume that I had marked as full,
>>> seems to still be used? This file is rapidly approaching 1TB, and I
>>> really, really want to save all the jobs in the volume, and cut it back
>>> down to size.
>>> Why would bacula continue to use a volume that has been marked as full??
>>> I think I need to solve this before all my fulls run again!
>>> Thank You
>> Excuse my stupidness, I restarted the storage daemon, and I checked the
>> volume again. It was marked, and a new one seems to have been created?
>> Well, lesson learned, restart everything, and be sure before you come
>> running to the list. Sorry for the 'spam'!
> You shouldn't have to restart the daemons to fix a problem.
Really? Ah, noted - I'll try and figure out what I had been doing wrong, 
the next time I go through this. Thanks for letting me know.

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