On 1/17/2011 4:27 PM, Devin Reade wrote:
> --On Monday, January 17, 2011 10:50:39 AM -0500 Dan Langille
> <d...@langille.org>  wrote:
> (In another thread)
>> Even though you are doing migrate, this might help, because Migrate and
>> Copy are so similar.
>>     http://www.freebsddiary.org/bacula-disk-to-tape.php
> I started to scan that document, and I saw this snippet:
>      At present, the Catalog can be SQLite (not recommended),
>      MySQL (also, not recommended, but if you have to use it,
>      it's better than SQLite), [...]
> Eh?  Have I missed some important point about using MySQL for Bacula's
> catalog, or is this just the author's prejudices speaking?

As the author of the above, and of the PostgreSQL module for Bacula, I 
admit that I am completely and utterly biased.  I have used many 
database over the past 25 years and, by far, I think PostgreSQL is the 
best.  ;)

 > Sure,
> <http://www.bacula.org/manuals/en/catalog/catalog/Catalog_Maintenance.html>
> describes things about which one should be aware, but I don't recall
> having seen anywhere a recommendation of Postgres over MySQL (or vice
> versa) or a statement about significant benefits of one vs the other.

It is clearly a religious issue.   Regardless of the database of choice, 
use it and enjoy it. :)

Dan Langille - http://langille.org/

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