Dan, I said I compiled and installed the program but had not done 
configuration, implies
I had some exposure to some docs somewhere. If you care to help here is 
a reply to a
guy that gave me an off-list reply of sorts, as of yet I have not 
received what he spoke about
which might prove to be partially helpful:

"That might be very helpful please forward. All I want is a setup where 
I can grab backups
from some machines out in the network (internet) and store the backed up 
data on disk (not on tape),
so I don't need all the tape configuration stuff...yet.  In the docs it 
is not clear to me how to setup
the database, although it says run the scripts there is no example, I 
looked in the script it seems to
require a db password, but I don't know which script to run first or how 
to proceed based on the docs, perhaps
the guys on this list have had it configured for so long they don't 
remember...! "

Be well,

On 1/17/2011 2:00 PM, Dan Langille wrote:
> On 1/17/2011 4:35 PM, Randy Katz wrote:
>> Dan, if you don't want me on the list I understand, I know where the
>> On 1/17/2011 7:52 AM, Dan Langille wrote:
>>> On 1/17/2011 10:42 AM, Randy Katz wrote:
>>>> Hi, new to list, saw a bunch of docs, can anyone recommend a quick
>>>> start, with mysql, that includes a run
>>>> through of backing up a remote server. I have already compiled and
>>>> installed bacula with mysql, have not done
>>>> any configuration yet. Thank you in advance.
>>> First, when posting a message, use a descriptive subject.
>>> The quick start is in the docs. :)
>>> http://www.bacula.org/5.0.x-manuals/en/main/main/Getting_Started_with_Bacula.html
>> Dan, if you don't want me on the list I understand,
> You ask a very specific question and were provided with a very 
> specific answer.  Not once, but the same answer by two different people.
> Concluding that I don't want you on the list is just plain silly.  :)
>> I know where the  docs are,
> Well, you didn't say anything about having read a particular part of 
> the docs and having been confused by it....  Thus, assuming you hadn't 
> found the Getting Started docs was rather reasonable.
>> if they told me
>> how to get a quick start test up and running I wouldn't have asked the
>> stupid newbie question,
> But you didn't ask a stupid newbie question.
> > this
>> guide tells me about doing it but not what to do just says I need to
>> modify the conf files but does'nt
>> give a clue how:
>> http://www.bacula.org/5.0.x-manuals/en/main/main/Getting_Started_with_Bacula.html
> Well, get specific with your questions...  How do I configure this 
> particular item?   For example.
>> I guess newbie's are not welcome here? Seems quite strange, enjoy!
> Trolling ignored, but if you want hand holding, sorry, we've got other 
> things to do.  If you have a *specific* question about some aspect of 
> the documentation, we're happy to help.
> As for a quick-how-go.... it's there....  Point out a paragraph, and 
> ask a question.  We're happy to help, but not with a broad question 
> such as: wtf is going on, I have no idea....

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