Yes - but - BACULA does already support ARCHIVE as a MEDIA STATUS -
currently this STATUS has to be set by manual Update.  Still it would be
nice, if BACULA did this by itself. :)
2011/1/17 Dan Langille <>

> On 1/17/2011 8:44 AM, Kianusch Sayah Karadji wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  > From: Bruno Friedmann < <>
>>  >
>>  > I would put a script putting the media in read-only state after backup
>>  > So bacula knows he can't touch them.
>> Well - That's not a good solution - as you can append Data to a WORK
>> drive, as long as there is free "space" on the WORM Tape.
>> Maybe (maybe it is already implemented) a better solution would be, if
>> one could choose a "default Tape state" within Bacula wich Bacula would
>> set a Tape to, instead of "Full" - one could set this State to
>> "Archived" for WORM Tapes - so if a WORM Tape changes from Append to
>> Full - this State would not be "Full" be "Archived" ...
>> Any Bacula developer out there reading this thread?
> Why can this not be done with existing features?  Recycling is an option,
> not a requirement.  I think the 'solution' is to never recycle.
> --
> Dan Langille -
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