Due to a typo in my configuration, I have one 750G volume! (arrgh!) I 
forgot to add

Maximum Volume Bytes = 50G          # Limit Volume size to something 
Maximum Volumes = 50               # Limit number of Volumes in Pool

Now, that I've added these extra directives - I assuming that the 
current mega volume will be closed with an EOF, and a new volume 
created, which will max out in size @ 50G.

Problem I currently have is, I think it'll be a good idea to move jobs 
out of this massive file, I'm probably a bit paranoid, but I've debated 
hours over volume sizes! We almost made it standard to 4G volumes, so 
that they can be copied onto DVD if need be. Hmm... Maybe, I'll start a 
new thread about best volume size for disk based storage, which needs to 
be rsynced to somewhere else.

Back to my problem. It seems to me, that a few migrate jobs are in 
order; my understanding of the migrate job process is as follows

Bacula reads old job from the pool
Bacula stores this data in new volumes
Bacula 'deletes' the old job?

Once I've moved all the jobs off this massive 750G volume, then I can 
mark this volume to be recycled, and it should rewrite this volume, and 
cap it at 50G?

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