I want to create two file sets for my virtualisation hosts.

FileSet {

   Name = "XEN-NoImages"



         File = /

     File = /boot


     Exclude {

     File = /backup

     File = /.fsck

     File = /.journal

     File = /tmp

     File = /proc

     File = /tmp

     File = /var/lib/bacula
     File = /var/lib/xen/images



FileSet {

   Name = "XEN-ImagesOnly"



         File = /var/lib/xen/images


     Exclude {

     File = /backup

     File = /.fsck

     File = /.journal

     File = /tmp

     File = /proc

     File = /tmp

     File = /var/lib/bacula


When I think about this, I shouldn't even really need to include the 
Exclude section of the XEN-ImagesOnly fileset, none of those paths cross 
the include paths

My question is, A full backup using XEN-NoImages file set, will it make 
the directories /tmp,  /var/lib/xen/images and co, because my plan is in 
case of emergency to restore the XEN-NoImages file set, followed by the 
images file set. If not, will that make the second restore fail? I'd 
like to know so that I can write the required scripts to create the 
directories with the right permissions before restore jobs are run. Any 
hints and tips are always appreciated, and replied to.


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