Hi all!

I'm using the following generic FileSet for various clients. The server
has Bacula 5.0.2 and the clients have Bacula 2.4.4 (Debian repositories)

# DGB - 20100729
FileSet {
  Name = "StandardBackup"
  Include {
    Options {
      signature = SHA1
    File = /etc
    File = "\\|bash -c \"find /space/ -name backup -o -name log\""

I wonder if there is any option that can be used in a FileSet on which I
can set the way to treat symlinks when they are found. My idea is to
have something like the --copy-links option of rsync that can be used
with Bacula, although I do not know if this should be supported by both
the server and the clients (so I put the versions).

Since not all clients have symbolic links in these directories, would be
ideal to use a option with this generic FileSet.

Thanks for your reply.

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