On Sunday 09 January 2011 13:04:48 Guy wrote:
> Hi All,
> In FileDaemon Configuration I've specified "Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20" and 
> restarted bacula-fd on the client.
> FileDaemon {                          # this is me
>   Name = baculactl.00-fd
>   FDport = 9102                  # where we listen for the director
>   WorkingDirectory = /var/bacula/working
>   Pid Directory = /var/run
>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
> }
> However I'm still getting an issue when I try to run multiple concurrent 
> jobs.. Is there somewhere else that this needs to be specified as well?  I 
> tried using the estimate command rather than load up jobs to run for testing 
> this, however it seems estimate doesn't count and works regardless. Is there 
> another way to test this without running the backup and cancelling it.
> Cheers,
> --Guy

This has been asked countless times in this same mailing list, last time on 
thursday. I suggest you do at least a bit of searching before asking :)


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