On 1/7/2011 3:03 PM, Mike Ruskai wrote:
> Right now, I'm backing up to a drive array with one concurrent job.  I'd
> like to increase that, and really need to for a new backup environment
> I'm creating soon.
> With the single concurrent job, getting a consistent catalog backup is
> trivial - I just schedule it to run one minute after the last data
> backup job, and give it the lowest priority, so it always runs after
> everything else.
> How do I accomplish the same general thing with multiple concurrent
> jobs?  That means the catalog backup needs to run by itself, so the
> database is consistent, and needs to run after all other jobs have
> completed.

This is a FAQ (or should be listed there).

Short answer: You do the same thing you are doing now.

Long answer: run before script: run the dump program for your database 
and create text file.  Backup that text file.  Some people delete said 
file in the run after script.  I don't. I keep it.

Dan Langille - http://langille.org/

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