This problem is solved.  I discovered the issue *as* I was typing up the 
email.   But since it is written, it might as well go into the archives.

The problem, worded in different ways for searching:

* tape takes too long to get to end
* fast forward on tape takes too long

The issue I noticed this today:

12-Dec 14:35 kraken-sd JobId 41700: Volume "ETU014" previously written, 
moving to end of data.
12-Dec 14:40 kraken-sd JobId 41700: Ready to append to end of Volume 
"ETU014" at file=11.

The issue: it takes 5 minutes to get to the end of the tape.  The drive 
in question is a Digital DLT 7000 model TZ89N-AV.  Pictures of the drive 
appear here:

The device resource for this drive is:

Device {
   Name                    = "DTL01"
   Description             = "Digital DLT MiniLibrary - first drive"
   Media Type              = DLT
   Archive Device          = /dev/nsa0

   Autochanger             = yes
   Drive Index             = 0

   Offline On Unmount      = no
   Hardware End of Medium  = no
   BSF at EOM              = yes
   Backward Space Record   = no
   Fast Forward Space File = no
   TWO EOF                 = yes

   Spool Directory         = /home/bacula/spooling-lib
   Maximum Spool Size      = 11759496889
   Maximum Job Spool Size  = 11759496889    # 10GB

The OS is FreeBSD 8.2 and I'm running Bacula 5.0.3

After changing 'Fast Forward Space File' from no, to yes, things went 
much faster.  The next job was much faster:

12-Dec 15:17 kraken-sd JobId 41703: Volume "ETU014" previously written, 
moving to end of data.
12-Dec 15:18 kraken-sd JobId 41703: Ready to append to end of Volume 
"ETU014" at file=13.


I love it when I discover the solution *while* typing up the email.  ;)

Dan Langille -

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